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Evaluation of a bacterial therapy for prevention of respiratory infection including influenza and otitis media

Deborah Lea-Ann Peter Ruth Strickland Kirkham Richmond Thornton PhD PhD MBBS MRCP(UK) FRACP PhD Program Head, Immunobiology and Immunotherapeutic


Examining subfertility and its treatment in a population-based cohort of pregnant women

Investigators: Nicole Burger Assisted reproductive technologies have been associated with adverse perinatal outcomes, however subfertile women who


Exercise and Gender Services for Young People

Trans and gender diverse young people are at very high risk for poor mental health, self-harming, and suicide attempts.


Exploring associations between life course geo-social exposures and rheumatic heart disease in Great Britain

Jonathan Judy Carapetis AM Katzenellenbogen AM MBBS FRACP FAFPHM PhD FAHMS BSc (Occ Ther) BSc Hons (Epidemiol) MSc PhD Executive Director; Co-Head,


Exploring LGBTQA+ young people’s experiences of suicidality: a qualitative study

Penelope Helen Yael Larissa Strauss Morgan Perry Marion BA, MPH, PhD BA (Hons), Doctor of Psychology BPsych (Hons) MPsych (Clin) PhD BPsych(Hons)


Global Scales for Early Development: Piloting the Family Check Up Program

Every year, over 80,000 Western Australian children will have a diagnosed mental health disorder.

BMI and Healthy Pregnancy Weight

Information from the Healthy Pregnancy & Me brochure for pregnant women on BMI and guidelines around healthy weight gain during pregnancy.

Exercise in Pregnancy

Information from the Healthy Pregnancy & Me brochure for pregnant women on exercising safely and healthily during their pregnancy.


Hospitalisation for oral health-related conditions in children with intellectual disability in Western Australia: a population-based cohort study

Helen Leonard MBChB MPH Principal Research Fellow +61 419 956 946 Principal Research Fellow Areas of research expertise

Western Australian Child Development Atlas

The Western Australian Child Development Atlas will use geospatial technology to map data on Western Australian children’s health, learning, development and social characteristics, giving community leaders and service providers the ability to identify the priority issues for their children.