Papua New Guinea's next generation of medical researchers: Celestine Aho, Patricia Rarau and Pamela TolimanFace-to-face interviews were conducted with all three women for the purpose of profiling women who are leaders in health and medicine in Papua New Guinea (PNG).
Prevention - what is the most promising approach?This paper is an editorial comment by Professor Patrick Holt on the potential for developing early intervention strategies in children with allergies and asthma
Neighbourhood Effects Influencing Early Childhood Development: Conceptual Model and Trial Measurement Methodologies from the Kids in Communities StudySocio-environmental factors, including the neighbourhoods in which children live and grow, are key determinants of children's developmental outcomes.
Intracellular growth of Mycobacterium avium subspecies and global transcriptional responses in human macrophages after infectionMycobacterium avium subsp. avium (Maa) and M. avium subsp. hominissuis (Mah) are environmental mycobacteria and significant opportunistic pathogens.
Multi-modality monitoring of cystic fibrosis lung disease: the role of chest computed tomographyStratification of monitoring protocols based on the risk profile of the patient can help us in the future to better care for people with Cystic Fibrosis.
A psychometric examination of a modified eight-item version of the children's eating disorder examinationFurthermore, previous studies suggest that scores obtained from a simplified 8-item version of the ChEDE may be more reliable and useful for research...
Dietary intake in population-based adolescents: Support for a relationship between eating disorder symptoms, low fatty acid intake and depressive symptomsIn the eating disorder sample but not the control sample, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid correlated significantly and negatively with eating disorder...
What is the optimal level of vitamin D?: Separating the evidence from the rhetoricNew evidence indicates that both high and low 25(OH)D levels may be associated with increased health risks.
Maternal death and the onward psychosocial circumstances of Australian Aboriginal children and young peopleThis study sought to determine the social and emotional impact of maternal loss on Aboriginal children and young people using data from the Western...
Commentary: Folate and neural tube defects-the influence of Smithells et al. on research and policy in the AntipodesWe wanted to embark on an epidemiological research project that would contribute new knowledge and, at the same time, might prove the value of the registry...