Antibiotic Allergy Labels in Children Are Associated with Adverse Clinical OutcomesThis is the first study demonstrating the negative impact of antibiotic allergy labels on clinical outcomes in children
Developmental regulation of type 1 and type 3 interferon production and risk for infant infections and asthma developmentType 1 and 3 interferon response capacity appears strongly developmentally constrained at birth
Effect of Epicutaneous Immunotherapy vs Placebo on Reaction to Peanut Protein Ingestion Among Children With Peanut Allergy: The PEPITES Randomized Clinical TrialTo assess the efficacy and adverse events of epicutaneous immunotherapy with a peanut patch among peanut-allergic children
Brief social attention bias modification for children with autism spectrum disorderSocial attention can be acutely modified in children with ASD, with an increased tendency to orient attention toward faces after brief social attention training
Parents welcome follow-up using mobile devices: A survey of acceptability at an Australian tertiary paediatric centreWe surveyed 642 parents and carers at Perth Children's Hospital, targeting demographics, device ownership and attitudes towards electronic follow-up
Wongi mi bardup (doing it our way): Methodologies promoting Aboriginal knowledges and cultural practices for Birthing on Noongar BoodjarThis paper sets out the methodological and theoretical considerations which framed how the Birthing on Noongar Boodjar project was conducted
Evaluation of a phased pneumococcal conjugate vaccine introduction in Mongolia using enhanced pneumonia surveillance and community carriage surveysThe enhanced surveillance system in Mongolia will facilitate assessment of PCV13 impact on pneumonia, with radiological confirmed disease as the primary outcome
Maternal body mass index, gestational weight gain, and the risk of overweight and obesity across childhood: An individual participant data meta-analysisHigher maternal pre-pregnancy BMI and gestational weight gain were associated with an increased risk of childhood overweight/obesity
Assessing Diversity in Early Childhood Development in the East Asia-PacificIn all six countries, child development scores increased with age and urban children consistently performed better than rural children
Explaining the evolution of ethnicity differentials in academic achievements: The role of time investmentsThis paper is the first to explore whether differences in time use by children of Asian-born parents may help to explain the observed differentials in school achievements