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What Heterogeneities in Individual-level Mobility Are Lost During Aggregation? Leveraging GPS Logger Data to Understand Fine-scale and Aggregated Patterns of Mobility

Human movement drives spatial transmission patterns of infectious diseases. Population-level mobility patterns are often quantified using aggregated data sets, such as census migration surveys or mobile phone data. These data are often unable to quantify individual-level travel patterns and lack the information needed to discern how mobility varies by demographic groups. Individual-level datasets can capture additional, more precise, aspects of mobility that may impact disease risk or transmission patterns and determine how mobility differs across cohorts; however, these data are rare, particularly in locations such as sub-Saharan Africa.


Anaesthesia related mortality data at a Tertiary Pediatric Hospital in Western Australia

Anaesthesia related mortality in paediatrics is rare. There are limited data describing paediatric anaesthesia related mortality. This study determined the anaesthesia related mortality at a Tertiary Paediatric Hospital in Western Australia.


Monogenic early-onset lymphoproliferation and autoimmunity: Natural history of STAT3 gain-of-function syndrome

In 2014, germline signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) 3 gain-of-function (GOF) mutations were first described to cause a novel multisystem disease of early-onset lymphoproliferation and autoimmunity.


FastMix: a versatile data integration pipeline for cell type-specific biomarker inference

Flow cytometry (FCM) and transcription profiling are the two widely used assays in translational immunology research. However, there is no data integration pipeline for analyzing these two types of assays together with experiment variables for biomarker inference.


Factors influencing scar formation following Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccination

The prevalence of scar formation following Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccination varies globally. The beneficial off-target effects of BCG are proposed to be stronger amongst children who develop a BCG scar. Within an international randomised trial ('BCG vaccination to reduce the impact of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in healthcare workers'; BRACE Trial), this nested prospective cohort study assessed the prevalence of and factors influencing scar formation, as well as participant perception of BCG scarring 12 months following vaccination.


Multiomic neuropathology improves diagnostic accuracy in pediatric neuro-oncology

The large diversity of central nervous system (CNS) tumor types in children and adolescents results in disparate patient outcomes and renders accurate diagnosis challenging. In this study, we prospectively integrated DNA methylation profiling and targeted gene panel sequencing with blinded neuropathological reference diagnostics for a population-based cohort of more than 1,200 newly diagnosed pediatric patients with CNS tumors, to assess their utility in routine neuropathology.


It is more “unbalanced” than you think

Sébastien Malinge PhD Laboratory Head, Translational Genomics in Leukaemia, Ursula Kees Fellow (CCRF), Cancer Council WA Fellow (CCWA), Senior


Statistical modeling based on structured surveys of Australian native possum excreta harboring Mycobacterium ulcerans predicts Buruli ulcer occurrence in humans

Buruli ulcer (BU) is a neglected tropical disease caused by infection of subcutaneous tissue with Mycobacterium ulcerans. BU is commonly reported across rural regions of Central and West Africa but has been increasing dramatically in temperate southeast Australia around the major metropolitan city of Melbourne, with most disease transmission occurring in the summer months.


Stimulation of alpha-1 adrenoceptors may intensify cutaneous inflammation in complex regional pain syndrome

Alpha-1 adrenoceptors are overexpressed in the epidermis of a subgroup of patients with complex regional pain syndrome. Activating α 1 -adrenoceptors in epidermal cells increases production of the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin-6, a mediator of inflammation.


The relationship between parental mental health, reflective functioning coparenting and social emotional development in 0-3 year old children

The transition to parenthood is a high-risk period for many parents and is an important period for child development. Research has identified that parental mental health, reflective functioning (capacity to consider mental states of oneself and others) and coparenting (capacity to work together well as a parenting team) may be particularly significant predictors of later child outcomes, however these factors have seldom been considered together.