Disparity in Mortality From Rheumatic Heart Disease in Indigenous AustraliansIndigenous Australians are much more likely to die from Rheumatic Heart Disease than other Australians.
End-inspiratory molar mass step correction for analysis of infant multiple breath washout testsWe aimed to evaluate the use of the EIMM-step method in a broad range of infants.
The Prevalence of Stimulant and Antidepressant Use by Australian Children and AdolescentsA minority of 4- to 17-year-olds with ADHD and major depressive disorder were being treated with stimulant or antidepressant medication
Food Challenge and Community-Reported Reaction Profiles in Food-Allergic Children Aged 1 and 4 Years: A Population-Based Study.This publication compares reaction profiles from food challenges and parent-reported reactions on accidental ingestion, and assess predictors of severe reactions.
The Secret Life of Your Microbiome: Why Nature and Biodiversity are Essential to Health and HappinessThe Secret Life of Your Microbiome shatters this deeply held myth, presenting a revolutionary new paradigm, backed by vast science
Sex differences in the association of phospholipids with components of the metabolic syndrome in young adultsThe aim of this study was to identify sex-specific differences in the metabolome and its relation to components of the metabolic syndrome in a young adult population
Facilitating Empowerment and Self-Determination Through Participatory Action ResearchThis article details the application of the participatory action research approach by the National Empowerment Project, Aboriginal community-based researchers.
Global, regional, and national life expectancy, all-cause mortality, and cause-specific mortality for 249 causes of death, 1980–2015Globally, life expectancy from birth increased from 61·7 years in 1980 to 71·8 years in 2015
Global, regional, and national disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) for 315 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE), 1990–2015Total global disability-adjusted life-years remained largely unchanged from 1990 to 2015
Functional abilities in children and adults with the CDKL5 disorderAlthough abilities were markedly impaired for the majority with the CDKL5 disorder, some females and a few males had better functional abilities