
Find out more about CliniKids' new program which boosts early language skills through book sharing.

At CliniKids, we offer group or individual support for siblings of autistic children.
Our researchers have published many papers in world-leading paediatric autism and developmental delay journals. Browse their most recently published work here.

News & Events
Developing a pencil graspIn this blog, Senior Occupational Therapist Gayle Hillen explores the steps to developing a functional pencil grasp.

News & Events
Looking at autism through a social modelIn this blog, Speech Pathologist Linda Arabi discusses the social model and how it influences the supports we provide to autistic children and their families.

News & Events
Talking to your child about their autism diagnosisIn this blog, Speech Pathology Lead Aria May explores how to talk to your child about a recent autism diagnosis.

News & Events
Autism Acceptance MonthIn this new blog, Speech Pathology Lead Aria May looks at the importance of Autism Acceptance Month and what you can do to move towards a truly inclusive community.

News & Events
Supporting siblings of autistic childrenIn this new blog, Senior Clinical Psychologist Rebecca Eaton offers families advice on how to support siblings of autistic children.

News & Events
How to stay sane in isolationIn this new blog, Occupational Therapist and Clinical Lead (OT) Marie Rodatz offers families advice on how to cope with home isolation with a child on the autism spectrum.

News & Events
Coping with COVID-19In this blog, Clinical Psychology Lead Dr Mei’en Lim offers families advice on how to navigate COVID-19 with an autistic child.