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Determinants of incomplete vaccination and non-vaccination among WA children

Tom Snelling BMBS DTMH GDipClinEpid PhD FRACP Head, Infectious Disease Implementation Research 08 6319 1817 Head,


Determinants of prenatal alcohol exposure among Aboriginal women in the Pilbara: Developing a statistically validated model of prenatal alcohol consumption for evidence based intervention development

Investigators: Dave Tucker (PhD candidate), Associate Professor Roz Walker, Dr Martyn Symonds, Dr Nyanda McBride The overarching aim of the proposed

Linked data and process

Data linkage is a technique for connecting pieces of information that are thought to relate to the same person, family, place or event.

Research outputs

Find out about the research outputs for the Development Pathways Project, and see the published research outcomes.

Report: Pathways of young people in contact with multiple government agencies in Western Australia

Findings of a research study examining the characteristics of service use by a cohort of young people born between 1994-1997 who used four government services.


Ear Explorers: A ‘real-life research project’ enabling children to view inside their own ears using smartphone video-otoscopy

Chris Brennan-Jones PhD Head, Ear and Hearing Health Head, Ear and Hearing Health Professor Chris Brennan-Jones is


WA Register for Autism Spectrum Disorders

The aim of the WA Register for Autism Spectrum Disorders is to monitor diagnostic trends of Autism Spectrum Disorders. These disorders develop in


Wellcome Active Ingredients: Parenting Review

The aim of the current project is to explore view of youth with lived experiences and their caregiver on the role of parent/caregivers and family in the prevention and treatment of anxiety and depression in adolescents in low- and middle- income countries.


Working towards a shared framework in the diagnosis of neurodevelopmental disorders in Australia: A Gap Analysis

Amy Andrew Carol Jacinta Videos Finlay-Jones Whitehouse Watch and listen to Andrew Bower Freeman BPsych(Hons), MPsych(Clinical), MHealthEcon, PhD (


The Early Start Screen Smart Program

Supporting families to create healthy screen time habits