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Blinatumomab as bridging therapy in paediatric B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia complicated by invasive fungal disease

Invasive fungal disease (IFD) remains a challenging complication of treatment for paediatric acute leukaemia. Consensus fungal treatment guidelines recommend withholding chemotherapy to facilitate immune recovery in this setting, yet prolonged delays in leukaemia therapy increase risk of relapse.


Understanding parent perspectives on engagement with online youth-focused mental health programs

Online youth-focused health programs often include parent modules—that equip parents with skills to assist their child in improving their health—alongside youth-specific content. BRAVE Self-Help, an evidence-based program designed for children and teenagers with early signs of anxiety, is a popular Australian program that includes six parent modules.


Clinical evidence for synergy between immunotherapy and radiotherapy (SITAR)

Previous preclinical and clinical trials have shown promising antitumour activity and toxicity profile when employing the ‘Synergy between Immunotherapy and Radiotherapy’ (SITAR) strategy. Approximately, one in seven radiation therapy studies currently recruiting is investigating SITAR.


Treatment Outcomes among Pregnant Patients with Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

The management of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) during pregnancy is challenging, yet no systematic synthesis of evidence has accurately measured treatment outcomes.


The Centres for Disease Control light trap and the human decoy trap compared to the human landing catch for measuring Anopheles biting in rural Tanzania

Vector mosquito biting intensity is an important measure to understand malaria transmission. Human landing catch (HLC) is an effective but labour-intensive, expensive, and potentially hazardous entomological surveillance tool. The Centres for Disease Control light trap (CDC-LT) and the human decoy trap (HDT) are exposure-free alternatives.


Distinct Streptococcus pneumoniae cause invasive disease in Papua New Guinea

Streptococcus pneumoniae is a key contributor to childhood morbidity and mortality in Papua New Guinea (PNG). For the first time, whole genome sequencing of 174 isolates has enabled detailed characterisation of diverse S. pneumoniae causing invasive disease in young children in PNG, 1989-2014.


School bullying: moving beyond a single school response to a whole education approach

Bullying is an issue that continues to represent a significant challenge to the provision of pastoral care in schools. In more recent decades, it has evolved in its complexity to include forms of bullying often referred to as cyberbullying or online bullying.


Creating healthy and sustainable cities: what gets measured, gets done

Citation: Giles-Corti B, Moudon AV, Lowe M, Adlakha D, et al.. Creating healthy and sustainable cities: what gets measured, gets done. Lancet Global


Influences on the trajectory and subsequent outcomes in CDKL5 deficiency disorder

The study investigated the effect of seizure and medication burden at initial contact with the International CDKL5 Disorder Database on subsequent development and clinical severity and compared quality of life among those whose development progressed, remained stable, or regressed between baseline and follow-up.


“Coronavirus Changed the Rules on Everything”: Parent Perspectives on How the COVID‐19 Pandemic Influenced Family Routines, Relationships and Technology Use in Families with Infants

This study explores how the first wave of the COVID‐19 pandemic influenced family routines, relationships and technology use (smartphones and tablet computers) among families with infants. Infancy is known to be an important period for attachment security and future child development, and a time of being susceptible to changes within and outside of the family unit.