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Malaria treatment for prevention: a modelling study of the impact of routine case management on malaria prevalence and burden

Testing and treating symptomatic malaria cases is crucial for case management, but it may also prevent future illness by reducing mean infection duration. Measuring the impact of effective treatment on burden and transmission via field studies or routine surveillance systems is difficult and potentially unethical. This project uses mathematical modeling to explore how increasing treatment of symptomatic cases impacts malaria prevalence and incidence. 


Priority setting: Development of the South Australian Aboriginal Chronic Disease Consortium RoadMap for Action

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (Aboriginal) people in South Australia are overburdened by cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer. The South Australian Aboriginal Chronic Disease Consortium (Consortium) was established in June 2017 as a collaborative partnership to lead the implementation of three state-wide chronic disease plans using a strategic approach to identifying key priority areas for action.


Biologic and Clinical Analysis of Childhood Gamma Delta T-ALL Identifies LMO2/STAG2 Rearrangements as Extremely High Risk

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia expressing the gamma delta T-cell receptor (γδ T-ALL) is a poorly understood disease. We studied 200 children with γδ T-ALL from 13 clinical study groups to understand the clinical and genetic features of this disease. We found age and genetic drivers were significantly associated with outcome.


Functional outcomes in children and adolescents with neurodisability accessing music therapy: A scoping review

To determine the evidence for functional outcomes experienced by a population with paediatric neurodisability (such as acquired brain injury, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury, and other neurological disorders), who access music therapy through neurorehabilitation services across the rehabilitation spectrum. 


Key elements of Goal-Directed Training for children with cerebral palsy: A qualitative content analysis

Goal-directed training is an evidence-based occupational therapy intervention for children with cerebral palsy targeting motor performance and goal attainment. There is variability and limited description on goal-directed training delivery within the studies who found it a successful intervention. The aim of this study was to establish the who, what, why and how of goal directed training according to practicing occupational therapists.


NEARER SCAN (LENO BESIK) evaluation of a task-sharing echocardiographic active case finding programme for rheumatic heart disease in Australia and Timor-Leste

Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) is underdiagnosed globally resulting in missed treatment opportunities and adverse clinical outcomes. We describe the protocol for a study which aims to co-design, implement and conduct an evaluation of a task-sharing approach to echocardiographic active case finding for early detection and management of RHD in high-risk settings in Australia and Timor-Leste.


Multi-methods process evaluation of the SToP (See, Treat, Prevent) trial: a cluster randomised, stepped wedge trial to support healthy skin

Healthy skin is important for maintaining overall physical and cultural health and wellbeing. However, remote-living Australian Aboriginal children contend with disproportionally high rates of Streptococcus pyogenes (Strep A) infected impetigo. 


Development and temporal validation of a clinical prediction model of transition to psychosis in individuals at ultra-high risk in the UHR 1000+ cohort

The concept of ultra-high risk for psychosis (UHR) has been at the forefront of psychiatric research for several decades, with the ultimate goal of preventing the onset of psychotic disorder in high-risk individuals. Orygen (Melbourne, Australia) has led a range of observational and intervention studies in this clinical population.


Plasma adenosine deaminase-1 and -2 activities are lower at birth in Papua New Guinea than in The Gambia but converge over the first weeks of life

Dynamic cellular and molecular adaptations in early life significantly impact health and disease. Upon birth, newborns are immediately challenged by their environment, placing urgent demands on the infant immune system. 


Childhood leukaemia in Down's syndrome primed by blood-cell bias

An in-depth investigation of gene regulation and cell populations at sites of fetal blood-cell production provides clues as to why children with Down’s syndrome are predisposed to developing leukaemia.