Pterygium and conjunctival ultraviolet autofluorescence in young Australian adults: The Raine studySun exposure is associated with several ophthalmic diseases, including pterygium which may develop in adolescence.
Detection of biofilm in bronchoalveolar lavage from children with non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasisThe presence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms in lower airway specimens from cystic fibrosis (CF) patients is well established.
Vitamin D in fetal development: Findings from a birth cohort studyBirth cohort studies provide an invaluable resource for studies of the influence of the fetal environment on health in later life.
Prevalence, repairs and complications of hypospadias: An Australian population-based studyTo investigate hypospadias' prevalence and trends, rate of surgical repairs and post-repair complications in an Australian population.
Pneumococcal conjugate vaccines PREVenar13 and SynflorIX in sequence or alone in high-risk indigenous infants (PREV-IX-COMBO)Otitis media (OM) starts within weeks of birth in almost all Indigenous infants living in remote areas of the Northern Territory (NT).
Does late childbearing increase the risk for behavioural problems in children? A longitudinal cohort studyThis study aimed to examine the relationship between advanced parental age and behavioural outcomes in offspring in a longitudinal cohort of children in...
A systematic review: Identifying the prevalence rates of psychiatric disorder in Australia's Indigenous populationsA systematic review: Identifying the prevalence rates of psychiatric disorder in Australia's Indigenous populations.
The valuing of upstream approaches across the lifecourse. Fact Sheet 2 for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention Evaluation ProjectThis factsheet highlights the need for a greater understanding of the importance of constructive & preventive ‘upstream’ approaches & sustained investment in...
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: Notifications to the Western Australian Register of Developmental AnomaliesThere is increasing attention on fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) in Australia, but there are limited data on their birth prevalence.
Evaluation in health promotion: Thoughts from inside a human research ethics committeeHealth promotion research, quality improvement and evaluation are all activities that raise ethical issues.