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News and events

Discover the news and events of the Rett syndrome and related disorders team, and find out what the team is working on in the fields of children disorders.

News & Events

Churchlands High School Fun Run hits $30,000

Over 1000 Year 7 and 8 students from Churchlands Senior High School laced up their running shoes yesterday for their annual Fun Run raising money for the Wesfarmers Centre of Vaccines and Infectious Diseases.


Developmental Coordination Disorder

Developmental Coordination Disorder is a lifelong disability impacting most aspects of daily living that involve movement. With an estimated prevalence of ~5% of children, the disorder affects an average of one to two children in every Australian classroom.

News & Events

New book gives voice to kids with DCD

Two The Kids Research Institute Australia researchers behind a new book featuring the voices of Kids with DCD.

News & Events

Researchers call for the term ‘high functioning autism’ to be consigned to history

Autism researchers from The Kids Research Institute Australia have called for the term ‘high functioning autism’ to be abandoned because of the misleading and potentially harmful expectations it creates around the abilities of children on the autism spectrum.

News & Events

The Kids ‘Tall Poppies’ rise above the rest

Three The Kids researchers have been named amongst WA’s most outstanding young scientists for their efforts to ensure kids around the country have the chance to lead happy and healthy lives.

News & Events

New ear health study music to the ears of Aboriginal children

Wait times for Aboriginal children suffering ear infections could be reduced to less than four weeks thanks to a new The Kids Research Institute Australia research project

News & Events

$3.4mill to improve treatment management of cystic fibrosis

The Kids researchers have been awarded over $3.4 million for a new trial to pioneer improved ways for managing cystic fibrosis (‘CF’).

Healthy Lungs & Immune Development

Focusing on the developmental trajectories of respiratory health includes developing strategies to improve and support immune system function and development over the life course.

News & Events

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Grant aims to prevent deadly infections in early life

Newborn babies and their fragile immune systems struggle to fight off nasty infections such as septicaemia, pneumonia and gastroenteritis.