News & Events
Computer algorithm links facial masculinity to autismA new study led by The Kids Research Institute Australia has found a link between masculine facial features and autism.
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Rheumatic heart disease remains a major killer in Oceania regionA new study shows that people living in the Oceania region, including Australia, have the highest risk in the world of dying from rheumatic heart disease.
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Novel CoLab seeks to narrow the early childhood gapA new partnership between The Kids and the Minderoo Foundation is trying to change the ways Government and communities address disadvantage and neglect.
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Student wellbeing just as important as academic successA team of researchers passionate about the social and emotional wellbeing of children have been refining a survey questionnaire.
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New national tool to help improve FASD diagnosisExpected to shine a light on hidden harm from alcohol use during pregnancy, Australia’s first national FASD diagnostic tool has been developed by the Institute.
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Local researchers lead biggest ‘artificial pancreas’ outpatient studyThe Children’s Diabetes Centre at The Kids Research Institute Australia is leading the longest and largest at-home trial of a hybrid closed-loop insulin pump system.
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New grant to upskill local Aboriginal women as community health researchersAboriginal women in Western Australia's Kimberley region will be become qualified as community health researchers thanks to a grant awarded to The Kids.
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Extra whooping cough shot to protect your bubToddlers will now get an additional whooping cough vaccine to protect them against the potentially deadly disease.
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Taking on a common respiratory infection in kidsMapping when Respiratory Syncytal Virus (RSV) reaches its seasonal peak will assist how future vaccination programs are carried out.
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Young minds really do matterThe Young Minds Matter survey has shown mental health services should be overhauled to ensure they are tailor-made to meet the needs of a new generation.