News & Events
Framing messages for social changeThe nuanced message conveys the foundational importance of child development in the early years but avoids triggering concerns there are no opportunities to intervene at a later age.
News & Events
Accelerating Child Health Research: A Systems Biology SymposiumThe integration of multi-omics approaches with clinical research will be, without doubt, a cornerstone of future innovation in medical practice.
Registration Details about Registration When you register you will be asked to register for both the two-day auditorium presentations on days one and
Australian Aboriginal children have higher hospitalization rates for otitis media but lower surgical procedures than non-Aboriginal childrenAboriginal children and children from lower socio-economic backgrounds were over-represented with OM-related hospitalizations but had fewer TTIs
Arylsulphatase A Pseudodeficiency (ARSA-PD), hypertension and chronic renal disease in Aboriginal AustraliansTraits associated with CVD, CRD and T2D in Aboriginal Australians provide novel insight into function of Arylsulphatase A Pseudodeficiency variants
Scabies and impetigo in Timor-Leste: A school screening study in two districtsScabies and impetigo are common in Timor-Leste, with very high prevalence of scabies in the rural district of Ermera
Rheumatic heart disease in Timor-Leste school students: an echocardiography-based prevalence studyThe rates of RHD in Timor-Leste are among the highest in the world, and prevalence is higher among girls than boys. Community engagement is essential for ensuring follow-up and the effective delivery of secondary prophylaxis.
A prospective study of fetal head growth, autistic traits and autism spectrum disorderThis large population-based study identified no consistent association across two cohorts between prenatal head growth and postnatal autistic traits
Mucormycosis in Children: Review and Recommendations for Managementwe summarize the literature on the epidemiology and diagnosis of this invasive fungal infection and provide suggestions on the management of mucormycosis in children
Motivational interviewing as a positive response to high-school bullyingWe provide a narrative review of Motivational Interviewing and map its core features onto the extant literature on selfâreported motivations for bullying