Creating Equitable Opportunities for Language and Literacy Development in Childhood and AdolescenceThe majority of children acquire language effortlessly but approximately 10% of all children find it difficult especially in the early or preschool years with consequences for many aspects of their subsequent development and experience: literacy, social skills, educational qualifications, mental health and employment.
Consumer research priorities for pediatric anesthesia and perioperative medicineConsumer-driven research is increasingly being prioritized. Aim: Our aim was to partner with consumers to identify the top 10 research priorities for pediatric anesthesia and perioperative medicine. The ACORN (Anesthesia Consumer Research Network) was formed to collaborate with children and families across Australia.
A Gender Lens on User Quality Ratings From Young Teenagers Assessing the Sun Safe App: Comparing Responses From Co-researchers and Participants of Pilot Intervention StudiesWe developed the iOS smartphone app Sun Safe to support healthy sun practices in young teenagers (aged 12-13 years). The production involved co-design with young co-researchers (ie, aged 12-13 years) with a health message of using sun protection when the UV index is ≥3. Important features include real-time and location-specific weather data on the UV index and gamified educational content.
ANGEL2 phosphatase activity is required for non-canonical mitochondrial RNA processingCanonical RNA processing in mammalian mitochondria is defined by tRNAs acting as recognition sites for nucleases to release flanking transcripts. The relevant factors, their structures, and mechanism are well described, but not all mitochondrial transcripts are punctuated by tRNAs, and their mode of processing has remained unsolved.
Effects of zinc and vitamin A supplementation on prognostic markers and treatment outcomes of adults with pulmonary tuberculosis: a systematic review and meta-analysisUndernutrition is a major risk factor for tuberculosis (TB), which is estimated to be responsible for 1.9 million TB cases per year globally. The effectiveness of micronutrient supplementation on TB treatment outcomes and its prognostic markers (sputum conversion, serum zinc, retinol and haemoglobin levels) has been poorly understood.
Evaluation of a Community-Led Program for Primordial and Primary Prevention of Rheumatic Fever in Remote Northern AustraliaEnvironmental factors including household crowding and inadequate washing facilities underpin recurrent streptococcal infections in childhood that cause acute rheumatic fever (ARF) and subsequent rheumatic heart disease (RHD).
Assessing the Activity of Antimicrobial Peptides Against Common Marine Bacteria Located in Rotifer (Brachionus plicatilis) CulturesRotifers are used as the first feed for marine fish larvae and are grown in large cultures that have high loads of organic matter and heterotrophic bacteria; these bacteria are passed on to the developing fish larvae and can potentially lead to bacterial infections.
Pain coping tools for children and young adults with a neurodevelopmental disability: A systematic review of measurement propertiesTo systematically identify and evaluate the measurement properties of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) and observer-reported outcome measures (parent proxy report) of pain coping tools that have been used with children and young adults (aged 0–24 years) with a neurodevelopmental disability.
An evaluation of junior doctors’ experience in smoking cessation training in a rural mental health settingThe extent of lung hypoplasia impacts the survival and severity of Smoking prevalence remains high amongst people with mental illness, however, they are less likely to be screened for tobacco dependence and offered treatment to quit.
Risk of Hospitalizations Following Gastrostomy in Children with Intellectual DisabilityGastrostomy was associated with health benefits including reduced all-cause and epilepsy hospitalizations, but was not protective against acute LRTI