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Prolonged use of wind or brass instruments does not alter lung function in musicians

Respiratory function impacts on musical expression for wind/brass (W/B) musicians. Investigation of musicians' respiratory health to date has rarely...


Rett Syndrome: Revised diagnostic criteria and nomenclature

The purpose of this work was to revise and clarify 2002 consensus criteria for the diagnosis of RTT in anticipation of treatment trials.


Children's language development 0-9 years. In Growing up in Australia:

Language development is one of the most important developmental accomplishments of early childhood and is the foundation for literacy, educational...


Genome-wide association and large-scale follow up identifies 16 new loci influencing lung function

Pulmonary function measures reflect respiratory health and are used in the diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.


Decreased fibronectin production significantly contributes to dysregulated repair of asthmatic epithelium

In human asthma, and experimental allergic airways disease in mice, antigen-presenting cells and CD4(+) effector cells at the airway mucosa orchestrate, and CD4


Health professionals addressing alcohol use with pregnant women in Western Australia

Health professionals have an important role to play in preventing prenatal alcohol exposure


Contribution of an intrinsic lag of continuous glucose monitoring systems to differences in measured and actual glucose concentrations

Current continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems measure glucose levels in the interstitial fluid to estimate blood glucose concentration.


Bacterial strain-specific induction of Foxp3+ T regulatory cells is protective in murine allergy models

The incidence of atopic disease has increased dramatically during recent decades and the potential immunoregulatory influence of the microbiota in these...


Testing a new cognitive behavioural treatment for obesity

It is remarkably difficult for people with obesity to maintain a new lower weight following weight loss.


Homology modeling and monoclonal antibody binding of the der f 7 dust mite allergen

The group 7 allergens are important allergenic specificities for mite-sensitive patients and may need to be incorporated into new diagnostic and therapeutic...