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Rheumatic Heart Disease Control Programs, Registers, and Access to Care

Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) control programs have been recommended by the World Health Organization as the mainstay of reducing the burden of RHD for nearly half a century. Programs should be structured around a disease register of people living with RHD and to support delivery of secondary prophylaxis.


Gender differences in the experience of psychotic-like experiences and their associated factors: A study of adolescents from the general population

"Psychotic-Like Experiences" (PLEs) are common in the general population. While they are usually transient and resolve spontaneously, they can be distressing and signify increased risk for later psychosis or other psychopathology. It is important to investigate factors associated with PLEs which could be targeted to reduce their prevalence and impact. Males and females are known to experience PLEs differently, but any gender differences in the relationships between PLEs and other, potentially targetable, factors are currently unknown.


The Development and Feasibility of a Manualised Therapeutic Playgroup for Children with Developmental Delay

Playgroups are widely used throughout the Australian community yet understanding of their efficacy is hindered by inconsistent playgroup definitions and practice principles. This study aimed to develop, implement and evaluate the feasibility of a manualised therapeutic playgroup for children with developmental delay and their families using a three step process.


Measuring early childhood development in multiple contexts: the internal factor structure and reliability of the early Human Capability Index in seven countries

Findings support the aims of the early Human Capability Index in being adaptable and applicable for use within a range of low and middle income countries


Shade coverage, ultraviolet radiation and children’s physical activity in early childhood education and care

The provision of shade, particularly through natural forms such as tree canopy, is an important sun protection strategy and enabler of outdoor time


The high prevalence and impact of rheumatic heart disease in pregnancy in First Nations populations in a high-income setting: a prospective cohort study

Rheumatic heart disease in pregnancy persists in First Nations people in Australia and New Zealand and is associated with major cardiac and perinatal morbidity


A Qualitative Exploration of Electronic Image Sharing Among Young People: Navigating the Issues of Conformity, Trust, Intention, and Reputation

This research sought to explore the main factors affecting young people's image-sharing behaviors, particularly in the context of peer relationships and norms


General practitioners’ perceptions of their communication with Australian Aboriginal patients with acquired neurogenic communication disorders

GPs report difficulty recognising acquired communication disorders and their lack of prioritising assessment and treatment of communication ability after brain injur


Harmonised collection of data in youth mental health: Towards large datasets

The use of this core set of data will facilitate the pooling of psychopathological and neurobiological data into large datasets


Increased facial asymmetry in autism spectrum conditions is associated with symptom presentation

Significantly greater depth-wise facial asymmetry was identified in autistic children relative to the two comparison groups