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Increased facial asymmetry in autism spectrum conditions is associated with symptom presentation

Significantly greater depth-wise facial asymmetry was identified in autistic children relative to the two comparison groups


Genome-wide meta-analysis of macronutrient intake of 91,114 European ancestry participants from the cohorts for heart and aging research in genomic epidemiology

Here, we identifyied 12 suggestively significant loci associated with intake of any macronutrient in 91,114 European ancestry participants


Immune-mediated ECM depletion improves tumour perfusion and payload delivery

We have devised a new approach to degrade tumour ECM, which improves uptake of circulating compounds


Tumor necrosis factor α induces α1B-adrenergic receptor expression in keratinocytes

Our results suggest that inflammatory cytokines released during injury stimulate α1-AR expression in keratinocytes


Maternal HIV infection alters antimicrobial immunity in exposed and uninfected infants

Implementation of lifelong ART of all HIV-infected women has the potential to improve maternal determinants of protective immunity in the young infant


The non-specific and sex-differential effects of vaccines

The textbook view of vaccination is that it functions to induce immune memory of the specific pathogen components of the vaccine, leading to a quantitatively and qualitatively better response if the host is exposed to infection with the same pathogen


Re-engaging an inactive cohort of young adults: Evaluating recruitment for the Kidskin Young Adult Myopia Study

We evaluate our ability to recruit participants for the Kidskin Young Adult Myopia Study, a follow-up of the Kidskin Study


Genome-wide association meta-analysis of single-nucleotide polymorphisms and symptomatic venous thromboembolism during therapy for ALL and lymphoma in caucasian children

The largest GWAS meta-analysis conducted to date associating SNPs to venous thromboembolism in children and adolescents treated on childhood ALL protocols