Caregiver’s attitudes, beliefs, and experiences for influenza vaccination in Australian children with medical comorbiditiesInfluenza vaccination recommendation by children’s hospital physicians and previous vaccine receipt in hospital was associated with vaccine uptake
Concurrent developmental course of sleep problems and emotional/behavioral problems in childhood and adolescence as reflected by the dysregulation profileFindings provide evidence for a strong association in the development of sleep problems and difficulties of dysregulation with emotion, cognition, and aggression
A reference collection of patient-derived cell line and xenograft models of proneural, classical and mesenchymal glioblastomaWe present a curated panel of 12 readily-usable, cell lines representing the spectrum of molecular subtypes of IDH-wildtype glioblastoma
Upper Airway Cell Transcriptomics Identify a Major New Immunological Phenotype with Strong Clinical Correlates in Young Children with Acute WheezingAsthma exacerbations in children can be divided into IRF7hi versus IRF7lo phenotypes with associated differences in clinical phenotypes
HLA-DR Class II expression on myeloid and lymphoid cells in relation to HLA-DRB1 as a genetic risk factor for visceral leishmaniasisTo understand how HLA-DR contributes to disease pathogenesis, we examined expression at the protein level in circulating myeloid and lymphoid cells of VL patients
Determinants for progression from asymptomatic infection to symptomatic visceral leishmaniasis: A cohort studyWe confirmed the strong association between high DAT and/or rK39 titers and progression to disease among asymptomatic subjects
Influenza Epidemiology, Vaccine Coverage and Vaccine Effectiveness in Children Admitted to Sentinel Australian Hospitals in 2017Significant influenza-associated morbidity was observed in 2017 in Australia. Vaccine coverage and antiviral use was inadequate.
Time to tackle rheumatic heart disease: Data needed to drive global policy dialoguesThis report provides an update on the contemporary global and regional policy landscapes relevant to rheumatic heart disease
Association of Genetic and Environmental Factors with Autism in a 5-Country CohortBased on population data from 5 countries, the heritability of ASD was estimated to be approximately 80%
Cost-effectiveness analysis of routine screening using massively parallel sequencing for maturity-onset diabetes of the young in a pediatric diabetes cohortRoutine MPS screening for Maturity-onset diabetes of the young in the pediatric population with diabetes could reduce health system costs and improve patient QoL