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Comments and Controversies in Oncology: The Tribulations of Trials Developing ONC201

Our international team highlights issues with efficacy reports in several studies on DMG with the new drug ONC201.


The use of automated insulin delivery around physical activity and exercise in type 1 diabetes: a position statement of EASD and ISPAD

Regular physical activity and exercise (PA) are cornerstones of diabetes care for individuals with type 1 diabetes. In recent years, the availability of automated insulin delivery (AID) systems has improved the ability of people with type 1 diabetes to achieve the recommended glucose target ranges. PA provide additional health benefits but can cause glucose fluctuations, which challenges current AID systems.


Global Lung Function Initiative reference values for multiple breath washout indices

Multiple breath washout is a lung function test based on tidal breathing that assesses lung volume and ventilation distribution. The aim of this analysis was to use the Global Lung Function Initiative methodology to develop all-age reference equations for the multiple breath washout indices lung clearance index and functional residual capacity.


Six months of hybrid closed-loop therapy improves diabetes-specific positive well-being, and reduces diabetes distress and fear of hypoglycemia: secondary analysis of a controlled trial

This analysis aimed to investigate diabetes-specific psychological outcomes among adults with type 1 diabetes (T1D) using hybrid closed-loop (HCL) versus standard therapy. 


Radiographic and visual response to the type II RAF inhibitor tovorafenib in children with relapsed/refractory optic pathway glioma in the FIREFLY-1 trial

Due to their anatomical locations, optic pathway gliomas (OPGs) can rarely be cured by resection. Given the importance of preserving visual function, we analyzed radiological and visual acuity (VA) outcomes for the type II RAF inhibitor tovorafenib in the OPG subgroup of the phase 2 FIREFLY-1 trial.


Bile acids in the lower airways is associated with airway microbiota changes in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: an observational study

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a complex disorder with a high degree of interindividual variability. Gastrointestinal dysfunction is common in patients with COPD and has been proposed to influence the clinical progression of the disease. Using the presence of bile acid(s) (BA) in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid as a marker of gastric aspiration, we evaluated the relationships between BAs, clinical outcomes and bacterial lung colonisation.


Mental Health Problems Among Indonesian Adolescents: Findings of a Cross-Sectional Study Utilizing Validated Scales and Innovative Sampling Methods

This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of mental health problems and identify potential risk and protective exposures for adolescents in Indonesia. An innovative sampling approach was applied to simultaneously recruit school- and community-based adolescents aged 16-18 years old from Jakarta (urban megacity) and South Sulawesi (remote province).


Online health literacy resources for people with intellectual disability: protocol for a grey literature scoping review

People with intellectual disability are at risk of poor physical and mental health. Risks to health are compounded by poor health literacy, that is, reduced capacity to access health services, respond quickly to changes in health status and navigate care pathways. Building health literacy skills is a strength-based way to increase health and optimise the use of healthcare services. The internet is a primary source of health information for many people, including people with intellectual disability and their families. 


Improving the detection of congenital syphilis: reviewing test utility and adherence to recommendations

Western Australia (WA) has experienced a resurgence of congenital syphilis. Appropriate microbiology testing of the neonate is recommended to confirm infection, including syphilis immunoglobulin M (IgM), rapid plasma reagin (RPR) paired with a maternal sample, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) on placenta and nasal swabs.


Early nasal microbiota and subsequent respiratory tract infections in infants with cystic fibrosis

Respiratory tract infections (RTIs) drive lung function decline in children with cystic fibrosis (CF). While the respiratory microbiota is clearly associated with RTI pathogenesis in infants without CF, data on infants with CF is scarce. We compared nasal microbiota development between infants with CF and controls and assessed associations between early-life nasal microbiota, RTIs, and antibiotic treatment in infants with CF.