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Am I a good enough parent?I spend a lot of time listening to parents and a lot of time analysing what they are thinking, how they are coping, how they behave and what they are doing.

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Andrew Whitehouse: environmental links to autismDr Andrew Whitehouse says results from a US study are just the first step when it comes to looking for environmental factors related to autism.
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Pneumonia rates improve in Aboriginal childrenNew research from The Kids for Child Health Research shows that the pneumococcal vaccine program has contributed to closing of the gap
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Rally for Research for a Healthy FutureHundreds of researchers from Perth's The Kids for Child Health Research will join a rally in Forrest Place today
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Fathers smoking linked to increased risk of childhood leukaemiaNew research from the Telethon Institute has found that children whose father smoked at conception may have a 35% higher risk of developing leukaemia.
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$2 million boost to child development researchResearchers at Perth's The Kids for Child Health Research have been awarded a prestigious Australian Research Council linkage grant

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Western diet link to ADHDA new study from Perth's The Kids for Child Health Research shows an association between ADHD and a 'Western-style' diet in adolescents.
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Hospital staff effective at reporting child abuseA new study from Perth's The Kids for Child Health Research has found that most cases of child abuse or neglect that are identified in hospital are...
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Parental fear leads to inactive 'cottonwool' kids: studyParental fear leads to inactive 'cottonwool' kids. Children's development and wellbeing are under threat because their parents are fearful of strangers
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Disadvantaged children fall behind in the land of the fair goDisadvantaged children fall behind in the land of the fair go