
News & Events
Australian Early Development Census National ConferenceThe Australian Early Development Census National Conference 2015 will be held from 18-20 February 2015.

News & Events
New Rheumatic Heart Disease CentreThe Kids Research Institute Australia is proud to announce the launch of a world class Centre of Research Excellence in rheumatic heart disease (RHD).

News & Events
The Kids welcomes renewed commitment to Medical Research Future FundThe Kids Research Institute Australia has welcomed the Federal Government's commitment to legislate the Medical Research Future Fund

News & Events
Perth scientist receives prestigious honourAn internationally recognised researcher at The Kids Research Institute Australia has been made a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science

News & Events
Homes crucial for healthy earsThe Kids researchers discovered that overcrowding is the strongest predictor of carriage of bacteria that cause otitis media

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Why tiny dust mites are a big problemThe molecular studies of Professor Wayne Thomas, particularly on house dust mites, have provided new understandings of allergy and new diagnostics.

News & Events
Vaccine trial aims to curb ‘superbug’Sarah Le Roi knows well how debilitating Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) can be. She was struck down with the 'superbug' while on holiday in the US.
News & Events
Child and Family Centres providing important support for parentsTasmania's Child and Family Centres are having a positive impact on parent's use and experiences of services and supports for young children

News & Events
Thanks for coming to our Open DayThank you to everyone who visited The Kids Research Institute Australia's Open Day on October 8. We welcomed more than 700 guests to the Institute to discover our research.
News & Events
The goal of Project Childrens' Cancer is to discover new, less toxic therapiesThe goal of Project Children's Cancer is to discover new therapies that are more effective and less toxic to fight aggressive cancers in babies and children.