How is paediatric chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis diagnosed and managed by paediatricians?The diagnostic and management practices of paediatricians for chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encepnalomyelitis within Australia vary widely
Weekend personal ultraviolet radiation exposure in four cities in Australia: Influence of temperature, humidity and ambient ultraviolet radiationThe effects of meteorological factors on weekend sun exposure behaviours and personal received dose of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) in Australian adults.
Plasma retinol and total carotenes and fracture risk after long-term supplementation with high doses of retinolThe aim of this study was to investigate plasma retinol and total carotene concentrations in relation to fracture risk after long-term supplementation with...
Feasibility of assessing diet with a mobile food record for adolescents and young adults with down syndromeThe aim was to assess the feasibility of assessing diet with an image-based mobile food record application in 51 adolescents and young adults with Down syndrome.
The establishment of DOHaD working groups in Australia and New ZealandThis report introduces the DOHaD ANZ Working Groups and summarizes their plans and activities
High Vitamin D-Binding Protein Concentration, Low Albumin, and Mode of Remission Predict Relapse in Crohn's DiseaseAssociations between Vitamin D-binding protein, serum Vitamin D, and the calculated free Vitamin D concentrations with the risk of Crohn's disease flare
Silencing of GATA3 defines a novel stem cell-like subgroup of ETP-ALLGATA3low ETP-ALL is a novel stem cell-like leukemia with implications for the use of myeloid-derived therapies
Early life nutrition and the opportunity to influence long-term health: an Australasian perspectiveThere is significant data to support the hypothesis that early life nutrition in the fetus, infant and young child can have profound effects on long-term health
Effectiveness and experiences of families and support workers participating in peer-led parenting support programs delivered as home visiting programsPositive impact of peer-led home visiting parent support programs, incorporating a framework of partnership between parents and home visitors
Biofilm forming potential and antimicrobial susceptibility of newly emerged Western Australian Bordetella pertussis clinical isolatesIsobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation (iTRAQ)-based proteomic analysis revealed significant differences in protein expression in B. pertussis biofilms