Using Avoidable Admissions to Measure Quality of Care for Cardiometabolic and other PhysicalThis paper uses population-based, record-linkage to examine access to appropriate primary care in Australian and Canadian...
Geogenic PM10 exposure exacerbates responses to influenza infectionThis study aimed to determine whether chronic, low-dose exposure to geogenic particulate matter <10μm diameter (PM10) exacerbates viral infections of the...
Evidence of a reduction over time in the behavioral severity of autistic disorder diagnosesWe examined whether there were changes over time in the qualitative and quantitative phenotype of individuals who received the diagnosis of Autistic Disorder.
The psychosocial burden of childhood overweight and obesity: evidence for persisting difficulties in boys and girlsOverweight and obese children reported greater psychosocial distress than healthy weight children, and these differences were more pronounced for girls than boys.
Maternal dietary intake in pregnancy and lactation and allergic disease outcomes in offspringAs the prevalence of allergic disease dramatically rises worldwide, prevention strategies are increasingly being considered.
Introduction to the themed issue The health benefits of UV radiation exposure through Vitamin D production or non-Vitamin D pathwaysThe health benefits of UV radiation exposure through Vitamin D production or non-Vitamin D pathways
Glucose Concentrations of Less Than 3.0 mmol/L (54 mg/dL) Should Be Reported in Clinical Trials: A Joint Position Statement of the American Diabetes Association and the European Association for the Study of DiabetesThe IHSG recommends that the frequency of detection of a glucose concentration <3.0mmol/L, to be included in clinical trial reports of glucose lowering drugs.
High fractional exhaled nitric oxide and sputum eosinophils are associated with an increased risk of future virus-induced exacerbations: A prospective cohort study.High fractional exhaled nitric oxide and sputum eosinophils are associated with an increased risk of future virus-induced exacerbations.
Air pollution during pregnancy and lung development in the childAir pollution exposure has increased in recent years and there is evidence that exposure to particulate matter can lead to adverse respiratory outcomes.
Comparison of outcomes following a cytological or histological diagnosis of malignant mesotheliomaThis study examines survival differences between patients with epithelioid MM diagnosed by cytology only and other subtypes diagnosed by histology.