Effectiveness of rotavirus vaccines in an Australian population: A case-control studyRV1 and RV5 were both effective in preventing laboratory confirmed and notified rotavirus infections among children aged <5 years
A role for affectivity in rapid facial mimicry: An electromyographic studyUsing a novel methodological approach, these findings provide evidence for the contention that affective processing underlies rapid facial mimicry reactions
In Epigenomic Studies, Including Cell-Type Adjustments in Regression Models Can Introduce Multicollinearity, Resulting in Apparent Reversal of Direction of AssociationWhere cell types are highly correlated with other covariates in regression models, the statistical assumption of no multicollinearity may be violated
Maternal Smoking During Pregnancy Induces Epigenetic Changes Into Adolescence, Independent of Postnatal Smoke Exposure and Is Associated With Cardiometabolic RiskThis study demonstrates a critical timing of cigarette smoke exposure over the life course for establishing persistent changes in DNA methylation into adolescence
Viral respiratory infections and the oropharyngeal bacterial microbiota in acutely wheezing childrenBacterial airway microbiome is highly variable in early life and its role in wheeze remains less clear than viral influences
Using pneumococcal carriage studies to monitor vaccine impact in low- and middle-income countriesWe review the role of pneumococcal carriage studies for the evaluation of PCVs in LMICs and discuss optimal methods for conducting these studies
A framework for the management of the pediatric airwayA simple, time critical, and pediatric-specific airway management approach will help to reduce airway-related pediatric morbidity and mortality
CASSETTE-clindamycin adjunctive therapy for severe Staphylococcus aureus treatment evaluation: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trialThis study will assess the effect of adjunctive clindamycin on patient-centred outcomes in severe, toxin-mediated S. aureus infections
Identifying pediatric lung disease: A comparison of forced oscillation technique outcomesThese findings suggest the utility of specific FOT outcomes is dependent on the respiratory disease being assessed
Personalized transcriptomics reveals heterogeneous immunophenotypes in children with viral bronchiolitisDysregulated expression of IFN-dependent pathways after respiratory viral infections is a defining immunophenotypic feature of AVB-susceptible infants