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Sleep problems in Rett syndrome

Using information from the Australian Rett Syndrome study, we examined the frequency of a range of sleep issues and variation by agegroup or gene abnormalities.

Predictors of scoliosis in Rett syndrome

Using information provided by the Rett study, we looked at relationships of early development, genetic characteristics and the development of scoliosis.


Early diet quality in a longitudinal study of Australian children: associations with nutrition and body mass index later in childhood and adolescence

The aims of this study were to determine whether early childhood dietary quality was associated with (a) infant and adolescent nutrition and (b) body mass...


Consumer stories about labelling

A consumer panel on medication safety and chronic illness in seniors (aged 65+ years)

School services

Schools play a major role in supporting young people with emotional and behavioural problems and are often where symptoms are first identified.


Young people provided information on self-harm behaviours of deliberately hurting or injuring yourself without trying to end your life.

AusVaxSafety (previously FAST)

The aim of the study is the early identification of problems with the current flu vaccines, and providing parents and professionals with up to date information.

Prevalence of mental disorders

The prevalence of mental disorders is the proportion of children & adolescents in the population who meet DSM-IV criteria for a diagnosis of a mental disorder.


Find information for researchers wanting to use Young Minds Matter data in their research, including resources and database access.

Our research

At the Wesfarmers Centre, we undertake research in five key areas of infections and immunisation to assist in children's health.