Prenatal stress and risk of behavioral morbidity from age 2 to 14 years:The maternal experience of stressful events during pregnancy has been associated with a number of adverse consequences for behavioral development offspring...
Measuring use and cost of health sector and related care in a population of girls and young women with Rett syndromeThis study measured use and cost of health sector and related services in Rett syndrome and effects of socio-demographic, clinical severity and genetic factors

News & Events
3rd European Rett Syndrome Conference, October 17-19, Maastricht, The NetherlandsFollowing last year's World Rett Syndrome Congress held in New Orleans, the 3rd European Rett Syndrome Conference was held in the Netherlands over 3 days.

Rett syndrome is one of the 8,000 rare genetic diseases that collectively affect up to 10% of the population.

News & Events
MECP2 duplication syndrome in the newsOur own Dr Helen Leonard was recently featured on Today Tonight. MECP2 duplication syndrome, which more frequently affects boys, is one of the Rett syndrome...

Anyone who engages in physical activity, regardless of how much they do, can achieve mental, physical and social health benefits, resulting in benefits to their quality of life.
Socioeconomic disparities in physical health among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in Western AustraliaWe sought to provide insights by examining socio-economic disparities in physical health outcomes among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in WA.
Interactions between acute lymphoblastic leukemia and bone marrow stromal cells influence response to therapyTo identify links between drug resistance and gene deregulation we used oligonucleotide microarray technology.
The Dyslexia Candidate Locus on 2p12 Is Associated with General Cognitive Ability and White Matter StructureTo further explore the effect of disorder-associated genes on cognitive functions, we investigated whether they play a role in broader cognitive traits.
Neurocognitive Outcomes in Young Adults With Early-Onset Type 1 DiabetesThe aim of this study was to reexamine the neurocognitive function of a cohort of young adults with early-onset type 1 diabetes and compare their cognitive...