Vaccine hesitancy, refusal and access barriers: The need for clarity in terminologyWe propose more precision in the term 'vaccine hesitancy' is needed particularly since much under-vaccination arises from factors related to access or pragmatics
Persistent and progressive long-term lung disease in survivors of preterm birthThis review aims to summarise what is known about the long-term pulmonary outcomes of contemporary preterm birth
Relevance of Aboriginal Peer-Led Parent Support: Strengthening the Child Environment in Remote AreasThis research highlights the critical emerging role of peer support workers in home visiting family support in a remote area of Australia
Rheumatic Heart Disease Worldwide: JACC Scientific Expert PanelThe authors present a variety of pressing clinical research questions on optimal RHD prevention and advanced care
IgE and T-cell responses to house dust mite allergen componentsRecent studies with synthetic peptides representing allergens and non-allergenic house dust mite proteins now offer new research avenues on HDM induced immune responses
Epigenetic dysregulation of naive CD4+ T-cell activation genes in childhood food allergyOur data indicate epigenetic dysregulation in the early stages of signal transduction through the T cell receptor complex, and likely reflects pathways modified by gene-environment interactions in food allergy
Worldwide variation in human milk metabolome: Indicators of breast physiology and maternal lifestyle?This study investigates the variation of human milk metabolites in human milk between five different countries
Rhinovirus is the most common virus and rhinovirus-C is the most common species in paediatric intensive care respiratory admissionsThis is the first report examining the role of different rhinovirus species in ARIs in children admitted to a tertiary PICU
The Canmore Declaration: Statement of Principles for Planetary HealthWe provide the Canmore Declaration, a Statement of Principles for Planetary Health
Does otitis media in early childhood affect later behavioural development? Results from the Western Australian Pregnancy Cohort (Raine) StudyThe relationship between early life episodes of otitis media and later behavioural development with adjustment for confounders.