
News & Events
Game aims to alleviate depression for trans youthA digital game adapted by researchers is set to deliver engaging, accessible help to prevent depression for trans and gender diverse young people.

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Unique CliniKids a marriage of research and practiceA unique new model developed by the The Kids autism research team marries cutting-edge research with clinical practice to offer families innovative, evidence-based interventions designed to help kids reach their full potential.

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Data key to policy winA key tool in the push to achieve mandatory folate fortification came in the form of data provided by the Western Australian Register of Developmental Anomalies (WARDA) – originally established by Professors Carol Bower and Fiona Stanley.

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‘Nicotine-free’ e-juice samples found to contain nicotine and harmful chemicalsSix out of ten ‘nicotine-free’ e-cigarette liquids analysed by The Kids Research Institute Australia researchers contained nicotine as well as an acutely toxic chemical typically found in pesticides and disinfectants.

News & Events
Spike in Aboriginal child removals sparks call for urgent action to end cycle of traumaA study confirming Aboriginal children are now 10 times more likely than non-Aboriginal children to be placed in out-of-home care has prompted researchers to call for urgent action to prevent further intergenerational trauma.

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Funding partnership to uncover new brain cancer treatments for kidsThe Robert Connor Dawes Foundation has joined forces with the Ethan Davies Fellowship to co-fund a The Kids Research Institute Australia initiative aimed at uncovering new treatments for aggressive childhood brain tumours.

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Navigating the teenage years with type 1 diabetesThe teenage years can be a challenging time for families, a period made even more difficult if a child has type 1 diabetes.

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Parents’ top tips for managing their kids’ device useHave you ever wondered how other parents manage their kids’ device use? As part of a survey for our Cyber Savvy Project, The Kids researchers asked a group of parents for their top tips regarding their child's use of devices.

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Round one done, eight to go for the SToP TrialSix weeks, nine community visits and 380 kids – it’s a wrap for round one of the StoP Trial!

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Funding for stillbirth autopsies will enable life-saving researchResearchers from The Kids Research Institute Australia say the Federal Government’s in-principle commitment to cover the cost of stillbirth autopsies is a positive step forward in addressing the nation’s stagnating rates.