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The reliability of an adolescent dietary pattern identified using reduced-rank regression

The aim of the present study was to compare DP identified using the RRR method in a FFQ with those in a 3 d food record (FR).


Incidence of nonmelanoma skin cancer in relation to ambient UV radiation in white populations, 1978-2012 empirical relationships

This paper examined dose-response relationships between ambient UVR levels and NMSC incidence at the population level.


Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: Development of consensus referral criteria for specialist diagnostic assessment in Australia

The use of standard methods to identify when to refer individuals who may have FASD for specialist assessment could help improve the identification of this...


Neurological and Biological Foundations of Children's Social and Emotional Development: An Integrated Literature Review

This article is a review of developmental processes that combine social, health, and learning pathways, and the mechanisms through which these pathways may...


Resilience amongst Australian Aboriginal youth: An ecological analysis of factors associated with psychosocial functioning

We investigate whether the profile of factors protecting psychosocial functioning of high risk exposed Australian Aboriginal youth are the same as those...


Novel drug targets for asthma and COPD: Lessons learned from in vitro and in vivo models

This paper is a review of potential novel therapeutic targets or tools for the treatment of asthma and COPD.


Clinical and demographic risk factors associated with mortality during early adulthood in a population-based cohort of childhood-onset Type 1 diabetes

This paper reports calculated standardized mortality ratios in patients with Type 1 diabetes, and assesses the association between poor management of...


Does Gender Moderate the Association Between Children's Behaviour and Teacher-Child Relationship in the Early Years?

The purpose of this study was to examine whether teachers’ reports of relationship quality were associated with children's behaviour and gender.


Using lung function measurements to greater advantage in patients with lung disease: Which test and when?

This paper is an introduction to a series of articles about improved measurement of lung function in patients with chronic lung disease.


Modelling the seasonal epidemics of respiratory syncytial virus in young children

This paper describes a mathematical model used to predict when an epidemic of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) will occur so that preventive measures, such...