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Prevention - what is the most promising approach?

This paper is an editorial comment by Professor Patrick Holt on the potential for developing early intervention strategies in children with allergies and asthma


Neighbourhood Effects Influencing Early Childhood Development: Conceptual Model and Trial Measurement Methodologies from the Kids in Communities Study

Socio-environmental factors, including the neighbourhoods in which children live and grow, are key determinants of children's developmental outcomes.


Effectiveness of Palivizumab in Preventing RSV Hospitalization in High Risk Children: A Real-World Perspective

This review supports the recommended use of palivizumab for reducing RSV-associated hospitalisation rates in premature babies born at gestational age <33 weeks.


Evidence for the use of an algorithm in resolving inconsistent and missing Indigenous status in administrative data collections

We found that algorithms reduced the amount of missing data and improved within‑individual consistency.


Cognitive Flexibility, Theory of Mind, and Hyperactivity/Inattention

The present study analyzed the concurrent and longitudinal relations among cognitive flexibility, theory of mind, and hyperactivity/inattention.


Intracellular growth of Mycobacterium avium subspecies and global transcriptional responses in human macrophages after infection

Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium (Maa) and M. avium subsp. hominissuis (Mah) are environmental mycobacteria and significant opportunistic pathogens.


Dietary intake in population-based adolescents: Support for a relationship between eating disorder symptoms, low fatty acid intake and depressive symptoms

In the eating disorder sample but not the control sample, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid correlated significantly and negatively with eating disorder...


Transcription factor p63 regulates key genes and wound repair in human airway epithelial Basal cells

The airway epithelium in asthma displays altered repair and incomplete barrier formation.


Pubertal trajectory in females with Rett syndrome: A population-based study

The aim of this study was to describe pubertal development in a population-based cohort of females with Rett syndrome.


Medulloblastoma Down Under 2013: a report from the third annual meeting of the International Medulloblastoma Working Group

Medulloblastoma is curable in approximately 70 % of patients. Over the past decade, progress in improving survival using conventional therapies has stalled...