The parent empowerment scale: development and psychometric propertiesParents of trans and gender diverse (herein ‘trans’) children experience additional challenges in their parenting role relative to parents of cisgender children. Understanding and enhancing parents’ empowerment is a promising approach to support both parents and children. We aimed to develop an empowerment scale specific to parents of trans children, grounded in parents’ lived experiences.
Glycemic and Psychosocial Outcomes of Advanced Hybrid Closed-Loop Therapy in Youth With High HbA1c: A Randomized Clinical TrialTo determine the efficacy of advanced hybrid closed-loop therapy in a high-risk cohort of youth on continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion with or without continuous glucose monitoring with suboptimal glycemia.
Suppressing recurrence in Sonic Hedgehog subgroup medulloblastoma using the OLIG2 inhibitor CT-179OLIG2-expressing tumor stem cells have been shown to drive recurrence in Sonic Hedgehog (SHH)-subgroup medulloblastoma (MB) and patients urgently need specific therapies to target this tumor cell population.
Corrigendum to “A Phase III, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, active comparator-controlled study to evaluate the safety, tolerability, and immunogenicity of V114 comparedPeter Richmond MBBS MRCP(UK) FRACP Head, Vaccine Trials Group Head, Vaccine Trials Group Professor Peter Richmond is Head of the Vaccine Trials Group

Focus Area
Brain and BehaviourThe Brain and Behaviour research theme consists of five programs: Child Health Analytics, Development and Disability, Healthy Behaviours and Environments, Mental Health and Youth, Population Health.
Feasibility of 24-hour hybrid closed loop insulin delivery in free living conditionsThe aim of this study is to see if the Medtronic hybrid closed loop system, a portable artificial pancreas is feasibly to use in the home.
Oral Insulin TrialTo see if giving insulin by mouth (in a capsule) will delay or prevent T1DM in people at increased risk of developing diabetes.

The Life Course Centre is for all Centre members, and there are multiple ways to get involved beyond your vital contributions to the research program.

Focus Area
Chronic and Severe DiseasesThe Chronic and Severe Diseases research theme consists of five programs: Diabetes, Metabolism and Clinical Sciences, Cancer, Perioperative Care, Precision Health, and Respiratory Health.
A Database of the Complications of Obesity in ChildrenThe Obesity Database records the characteristics and medical complications of children with obesity who present to treatment at Princess Margaret Hospital