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Barriers and facilitators to mental health treatment access and engagement for LGBTQA+ people with psychosis: a scoping review protocol

The prevalence of psychosis has been shown to be disproportionately high amongst sexual and gender minority individuals. However, there is currently little consideration of the unique needs of this population in mental health treatment, with LGBTQA+ individuals facing barriers in accessing timely and non-stigmatising support for psychotic experiences. 


Atypical Antipsychotic Prescribing in Australian Children and Adolescents: A Survey of Medical Practitioners

Prescriptions for atypical antipsychotics in children and adolescents are increasing globally. However, a precise understanding of the clinical variables and evidence that prescribers consider before using these agents is lacking. 


Childhood Cancer Incidence and Survival in South Australia and the Northern Territory, 1990–2017, with Emphasis on Indigenous Peoples

Reports of a rise in childhood cancer incidence in Australia and globally prompted the investigation of cancer incidence and survival in South Australia and the Northern Territory over a 28-year period, with emphasis on Indigenous peoples.


Spatial co-distribution of tuberculosis prevalence and low BCG vaccination coverage in Ethiopia

While bacille-calmette-guerin (BCG) vaccination is one of the recommended strategies for preventing tuberculosis, its coverage is low in several countries, including Ethiopia. This study investigated the spatial co-distribution and drivers of TB prevalence and low BCG coverage in Ethiopia.


From Local to Systemic: The Journey of Tick Bite Biomarkers in Australian Patients

Tick bites and tick-related diseases are on the rise. Diagnostic tests that identify well-characterised tick-borne pathogens (TBPs) possess limited capacity to address the causation of symptoms associated with poorly characterised tick-related illnesses, such as debilitating symptom complexes attributed to ticks (DSCATT) in Australia. Identification of local signals in tick-bitten skin that can be detected systemically in blood would have both clinical (diagnostic or prognostic) and research (mechanistic insight) utility, as a blood sample is more readily obtainable than tissue biopsies.


The parent empowerment scale: development and psychometric properties

Parents of trans and gender diverse (herein ‘trans’) children experience additional challenges in their parenting role relative to parents of cisgender children. Understanding and enhancing parents’ empowerment is a promising approach to support both parents and children. We aimed to develop an empowerment scale specific to parents of trans children, grounded in parents’ lived experiences. 


Glycemic and Psychosocial Outcomes of Advanced Hybrid Closed-Loop Therapy in Youth With High HbA1c: A Randomized Clinical Trial

To determine the efficacy of advanced hybrid closed-loop therapy in a high-risk cohort of youth on continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion with or without continuous glucose monitoring with suboptimal glycemia.


Indigenous Australian perspectives on the perinatal period: Social well-being, culture and early infant attachments

Although social factors and culture are significant determinants of health in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, little is known academically about key interpersonal and social experiences of this population during the perinatal period, or how early attachments are formed through culture. This study addressed this gap in the literature. 


Pushing the boundaries of rare disease diagnostics with the help of the first Undiagnosed Hackathon

Timo Lassmann BSc (Hons) MSc PhD Feilman Fellow; Program Head, Precision Health and Head, Computational Biology


Real world effectiveness of early ensitrelvir treatment in patients with SARS-CoV-2, a retrospective case series

Ensitrelvir, a 3C-like protease inhibitor, received emergency approval in Japan in November 2022 for treating non-hospitalized patients with mild-to-moderate COVID-19. However, confirmation of its real-world clinical effectiveness is limited.