
Meningococcal DiseaseMeningococcal disease is caused by the bacteria Neisseria meningitidis, or 'meningococcus'. It is an uncommon but very serious disease that can result in death if not recognised and treated quickly.

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Round one done, eight to go for the SToP TrialSix weeks, nine community visits and 380 kids – it’s a wrap for round one of the StoP Trial!

Coming up in 2021 Contact us We have a a study to suit every age range in 2021! From babies at just six weeks for the FluBub Study, through to

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Flu study gives vital early protection to bubs this winterThe FluBub Study will investigate whether giving the flu vaccine much earlier than the six months currently recommended by the National Immunisation Program will protect babies at the greatest risk of a severe influenza infection when they are most vulnerable.

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Perron grants help give researchers wingsValuable support from the Stan Perron Charitable Foundation will enable The Kids Research Institute Australia researchers to commence projects on topics ranging from disability, mental health and lung disease to diabetes, Aboriginal leadership, and the development of child-focused pandemic policies.
Randomised controlled trials of behavioural nudges delivered through text messages to increase influenza and COVID-19 vaccines among pregnant women (the EPIC study): study protocolInfluenza and COVID-19 infections during pregnancy may have serious adverse consequences for women as well as their infants. However, uptake of influenza and COVID-19 vaccines during pregnancy remains suboptimal. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of a multi-component nudge intervention to improve influenza and COVID-19 vaccine uptake among pregnant women.

News & Events
Worried about your child getting coronavirus? Here’s what you need to knowComparatively few children have tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19). Here’s what we know so far about how children are affected.
Changing rules, recommendations, and risks: COVID-19 vaccination decisions and emotions during pregnancyAs COVID-19 vaccinations rolled out globally from late 2020, rules and recommendations regarding vaccine use in pregnancy shifted rapidly. Pre-registration COVID-19 vaccine trials excluded those who were pregnant. Initial Australian medical advice did not routinely recommend COVID-19 vaccines in pregnancy, due to limited safety data and little perceived risk of local transmission.
COVID-19 vaccination in children and adolescents aged 5 years and older undergoing treatment for cancer and non-malignant haematological conditions: Australian and New Zealand Children’s Haematology/Oncology Group consensus statementThe Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation and New Zealand Ministry of Health recommend all children aged ≥ 5 years receive either of the two mRNA COVID-19 vaccines: Comirnaty (Pfizer), available in both Australia and New Zealand, or Spikevax (Moderna), available in Australia only. Both vaccines are efficacious and safe in the general population, including children. Children and adolescents undergoing treatment for cancer and immunosuppressive therapy for non-malignant haematological conditions are particularly vulnerable, with an increased risk of severe or fatal COVID-19.
PATRIC: Pragmatic Adaptive Trial for Respiratory Infections in ChildrenChristopher Peter Tom Blyth Richmond Snelling MBBS (Hons) DCH FRACP FRCPA PhD MBBS MRCP(UK) FRACP BMBS DTMH GDipClinEpid PhD FRACP Centre Head,