
News & Events
Funding partnership to uncover new brain cancer treatments for kidsThe Robert Connor Dawes Foundation has joined forces with the Ethan Davies Fellowship to co-fund a The Kids Research Institute Australia initiative aimed at uncovering new treatments for aggressive childhood brain tumours.

News & Events
Lightening the leukaemia load for kids with Down syndromeKids born with Down syndrome are at high risk of an array of health problems. One of the lesser-known complications is their increased risk of childhood leukaemia.

News & Events
Pioneering paediatric oncologist receives top cancer research awardAssociate Professor Rishi Kotecha, Co-Head of Leukaemia Translational Research at The Kids Research Institute Australia Cancer Centre and Consultant Paediatric Oncologist at Perth Children's Hospital, has been named Cancer Council WA’s 2024 Cancer Researcher of the Year.

News & Events
Data goldmines yield priceless breakthroughsChild health and development researchers are increasingly turning to Western Australia's extensive population datasets for their ground-breaking work.

News & Events
Therapy for babies with signs of autism cuts long-term disability costsNew research evaluating the potential cost savings of a therapy for babies displaying early autism signs has predicted a three dollar return to Australia’s National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) for every dollar invested in therapy.

Australia’s first national guideline for supporting the learning, participation and wellbeing of autistic children and their families.
Feasibility of a 2-minute eye-tracking protocol to support the early identification of autismWe tested the potential for Gazefinder eye-tracking to support early autism identification, including feasible use with infants, and preliminary concurrent validity of trial-level gaze data against clinical assessment scores. We embedded the ~ 2-min 'Scene 1S4' protocol within a comprehensive clinical assessment for 54 consecutively-referred, clinically-indicated infants (prematurity-corrected age 9-14 months).
Language DevelopmentLanguage is one of the most remarkable developmental accomplishments of early childhood. Language connects us with others and is an essential tool for literacy, education, employment and lifelong learning.
Our team of world-class researchers and exceptional clinicians work in collaboration to provide children access to the very best evidence-based therapies and programs.

News & Events
What the autistic community wants you to know about autismFor World Autism Acceptance Day, we asked our clients, their families and the community to tell us what they would like people to know about autism. Senior Speech Pathologist Sally Grauaug compiled their ideas and feedback into this blog.