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About us

CliniKids is a not-for-profit centre integrating world-class research with a clinical service for children with developmental delay and/or autism, and their families. It is the first of its kind for autism in Australia.


Which emerging autism features at 12 months of age are associated with later parent-child interaction?

Parent-child interactions (PCI) in infants with an elevated likelihood (EL) of autism start to diverge from other infants toward the end of the first year. This divergence is often attributed to emerging features of autism impacting infant social interactions in ways that become increasingly amplified. The aim was to identify which, if any, 12-month autism features were associated with later PCI qualities.


Influences of bilingual input on English vocabulary size and academic outcomes: a large-scale longitudinal study following children in Australia from five to ten years

Research from large population-based studies investigating the language and academic outcomes for bilingual children is rare. The current study aimed to investigate the influence of dual language exposure on (i) English vocabulary outcomes at 5 years (126 bilinguals, 1675 monolinguals), and 10 years (vocabulary: 92 bilinguals, 1413 monolinguals:), and (ii) academic outcomes at 10 years (107 bilinguals, 1746 monolinguals).

News & Events

News you can use – How you can support your child while you wait for a diagnosis

The Kids Research Institute Australia's Professor Andrew Whitehouse and Sarah Pillar share four things families can do to support their child while waiting to receive an ADHD or autism diagnostic assessment.

Paediatric Autism Communication Therapy

At CliniKids, we offer a communication therapy called PACT to caregivers of children who would like some additional support to understand their child’s communication.

News & Events

Is it OK to speak more than one language with my child?

Senior Speech Pathologist Marisa Di Lorenzo looks at social communication and language outcomes for bilingual autistic children.


Lara Goldie

Senior Speech Pathologist

News & Events

Maggie Dent visits The Kids Research Institute Australia as part of research for new book

We were delighted to have Australia’s best-known parenting author, Maggie Dent, back at ‌The Kids Research Institute Australia this week, to talk about the mental health of our teenagers.


Treatment for Childhood and Adolescent Dissociation: A Systematic Review

Dissociative symptoms are linked to experiences of trauma, often originating in childhood and adolescence. Dissociative disorders are associated with a high burden of illness and a poor quality of life. Despite evidence suggesting that early intervention can improve outcomes, little research exists on the treatment of dissociative disorders in childhood and adolescence.