
News & Events
Program aims to stop skin infections in their tracksAn innovative program set to run for about two and a half years aims to halve the number of children affected by skin infections.

News & Events
Lung problems continue into childhood for premmie babiesNew research from Perth’s The Kids Research Institute Australia shows that babies born premature continue to have lung problems well into childhood.

News & Events
Premature babies at greater risk of childhood infectionNew research has found children who are born even slightly premature or underweight are more likely to be hospitalised with an infection during their childhood

News & Events
Global war on brain cancerDr Nick Gottardo and Dr Raelene Endersby from The Kids Research Institute Australia are the driving force behind an innovative, global action group on child brain cancer.

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Making FASD history in the Fitzroy ValleyThe Make FASD History campaign, led by community researchers and The Kids Research Institute Australia, has made huge inroads into prevention, diagnosis and therapy.

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On a quest for kids with cystic fibrosisPRAGMA-CF, a new way of measuring early lung disease in young kids with cystic fibrosis is changing the way we detect and treat CF.

News & Events
Extra whooping cough shots to protect bubsAn extra whooping cough vaccination for babies comes as a result of work by researchers at the Wesfarmers Centre of Vaccines and Infectious Diseases.

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Global research for rare disorderThe Kids Research Institute Australia researchers set out on a worldwide search to find out all they could about Rett syndrome, establishing databases and creating awareness.

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Survey explores mental health needs of trans and gender diverse young peopleWe have launched a national survey to investigate how we can better support young people who don't identify as the gender they were assigned at birth.

News & Events
Free vaccination public seminarImmunisation plays an important role in preventing disease within our community. Join us at a FREE public seminar on vaccinations.