
News & Events
Medibank funding for new maternity studyThe Kids Research Institute Australia researcher Dr Kim Clark has been awarded funding of almost $50,000 from a new health research fund launched by Medibank
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Trans Tasman action to fast track rheumatic fever vaccinePrime Ministers of Australia and New Zealand have agreed to provide $3M to help fast-track the development of a vaccine against rheumatic fever.
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No link between testosterone levels in womb and behaviourA project from the Raine Study shows testosterone levels in the womb have little impact on later childhood behavior.
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State Immunisation Strategy ReleasedThe State Government has launched a new strategy for improving immunisation rates among WA children, to prevent outbreaks of diseases like measles & meningitis
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New study brings hope for preventing lung disease in children with cystic fibrosisResearchers at Perth's Telethon Institute are one step closer to preventing serious lung disease which is the main cause of suffering in cystic fibrosis.
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Telethon Weekend 2013Make sure your family is part of the action by visiting The Kids Research Institute Australia booth at the Perth Convention & Exhibition Centre.
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New Book by Dr Andrew Whitehouse: Will Mozart Make My Baby Smart?In a combination of stories from modern parenting, tales from history, and scientific research, Dr Andrew Whitehouse busts open myths around parenthood.
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Major tobacco award for Aboriginal health leaderThe 2013 Dr Bob Elphick Medal for outstanding contributions to tobacco control has been awarded to Dr Juli Coffin, Associate Professor of Aboriginal Health
News & Events
Learning more about Australia's childrenThis week more than 7500 government and non-government schools across Australia will start taking part in the world's most comprehensive collection of