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View the infographics that we have published in 2022, including shyness in young children, early diagnosis of mental health disorders in children, nightmares & night terrors, and more.


WA Aboriginal Health Knowledge Network

A Network comprised of four regional sites to facilitate key medical, research and training activities undertaken in partnership with Aboriginal communities.

News & Events

Talking to your kids about racism

Children are able to notice race-based discrimination from an early age, therefore not discussing this early on could reinforce the misconception that any racial inequalities that exist are normal.


Multigenerational Familial and Environmental Risk for Autism (MINERvA) Network

The MINERvA Network will allow more accurate and precise determination of the contributions of familial and environmental factors to the etiology of autism.

Biospecimen Service

BioSpecs is a flexible service that supports laboratory research by providing expert technical assistance in pre-analytical sample processing and nucleic acid extractions.

Screen time study reveals kids missing out on language development

Toddlers exposed to screen time at home are hearing fewer words and making fewer vocalisations, findings from the first longitudinal study to measure the relationship between family screen use and children’s language development have shown.


Child Health Analytics Research Program

Listed are all Telethon Kids Institute research teams involved in our Child Health Analytics Research Program. This program sits under the Brain and Behaviour research theme.

Early Neurodevelopment and Mental Health

The Early Neurodevelopment and Mental Health team is focused on preventing childhood mental illness and optimising children’s development and wellbeing in the first years of their life. We are interested in understanding and identifying the factors that contribute to difficulties in mental health and development, as well as developing cost-effective prevention and early intervention approaches for addressing developmental needs and promoting resilience.