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Professor Ben Jackson

Research Theme Head, Brain and Behaviour

Ben Jackson

Acting Director, Research; Research Theme Head, Brain and Behaviour

BSc (Hons) PhD

Professor Ben Jackson has a shared appointment between The Kids Research Institute Australia and The University of Western Australia (UWA), and he co-directs the cross-institutional Psychology of Active, Healthy Living (PAHL) Group. The PAHL Group’s mission is to use the power of positive social connections to promote all aspects of mental and physical health. Through PAHL’s community health initiatives, the group helps people improve their mental health, make better dietary choices, be more physically active, and feel more resilient at school, work, and home. Above all else, the Group listens to community priorities and designs programs that tackle the health challenges that really matter.

Ben has produced over 200 peer-reviewed publications, and his work has been supported with more than $10million in funding from agencies including the NHMRC, ARC, Healthway, Lotterywest, and Sport Australia. Ben’s research achievements have resulted in several awards, including from the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA), the International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA), and the Australian Institute of Policy and Science. Ben is a Deputy Editor for the international journal, Stress & Health, and also serves (or has served) on the editorial boards for five other highly regarded journals in the field of psychology and health promotion. Ben is an Adjunct Professor at James Cook University, and serves (or has served) on advisory committees for Healthway, Exercise and Sports Science Australia, the NHMRC, ARC, WA Department of Education, WA Mental Health Commission, and International Olympic Committee. 

Education and Qualifications

  • BSc (Hons) - University of Leeds (UK)
  • PhD - University of Leeds (UK)

The Growth and Resilience in Teachers program (GRIT): Evaluation of a Co- Designed Program for High School Teacher Wellbeing

Mental health problems are prevalent in working populations worldwide. Researchers attribute many of these issues to rising work pressures, which can lead to the development of conditions such as depression, anxiety, distress, and burnout.

The Youth Safe Haven Café Project

The Youth Safe Haven Project will co-design a youth-specific Safe Haven Café within the Peel Health Hub to serve as an alternative to the emergency department for young people at risk of suicide.

Purpose After Service through Sport (PASS): Supporting Military Veterans and their Families

Veterans who transition out of the military often face substantive challenges during their move to civilian life, including the management of their health, identifying opportunities for employment, contributing to the financial and emotional functioning of their household, and developing high-quality social connec

A sport-based mental health intervention for children at risk of mental illness

We know that sport, when the appropriate environment is provided, can be an enriching experience for children – with many physical and mental health benefits.

Parent and Child Engagement in Family-oriented Therapies for Childhood Obesity

This project will be conducted in conjunction with the Perth Childrens Hospital Health Weight Service (PCHHWS) and will involve three phases.

The Stride Program

Young adults, aged 18-24 years, are currently experiencing the highest rates of mental health challenges relative to the general population.

Exercise and Gender Services for Young People

Trans and gender diverse young people are at very high risk for poor mental health, self-harming, and suicide attempts.

Published research

Experiences of exercise services for individuals with severe mental illness: A qualitative approach

Regular exercise can be beneficial for people living with a severe mental illness. By better understanding the perspectives and challenges of adults with severe mental illness who are engaged in exercise, we can enhance the design and implementation of exercise programs to better support their mental health and recovery.

“That's not fair on my kid”: Carers' perspectives on sport participation and experiences for children in out-of-home care

Children in out-of-home care participate in less organised sport than children from other household structures, potentially reducing opportunities for improvements in social, developmental, and health outcomes. Despite this, little is known about barriers and facilitators of sport participation for children in care. We aimed to explore carers' perspectives on the influences on children in care's participation and experiences in organised sport.

Eating and exercise experiences of Australian trans and gender diverse folks: lived experience and stakeholder perspectives

Trans individuals face elevated health risks and socio-environmental challenges, influencing their engagement in health-protective behaviors (e.g. exercise and nutrition). Despite these challenges, there is a significant gap in understanding the specific eating and exercise experiences of Australian trans adults, including barriers to healthy behaviors and healthcare experiences. This study aims to address this gap by exploring these experiences, informing targeted interventions and healthcare practices to improve health outcomes.

The Role of Grandparents in Facilitating Children’s Physical Activity

Research suggests there is considerable opportunity to improve children's movement behaviors while they are being cared for by their grandparents. An understanding of the extent to which grandparent practices facilitate children's engagement in physical activity is critical to the development of health interventions targeting grandparent caregivers.

Physical activity interventions for the promotion of mental health outcomes in at-risk children and adolescents: a systematic review

Many young people are exposed to risk factors that increase their risk of mental illness. Physical activity provision is an increasingly popular approach to protect against mental illness in the face of these risk factors. We examined the effectiveness of physical activity interventions for the promotion of mental health outcomes in at-risk children and adolescents.

The implementation of exercise therapy within hospital-based mental healthcare: Delphi study

The physical health comorbidities and premature mortality experienced by people with mental illness has led to an increase in exercise services embedded as part of standard care in hospital-based mental health services. Despite the increase in access to exercise services for people experiencing mental illness, there is currently a lack of guidelines on the assessment and triage of patients into exercise therapy.

Impact of Cardiovascular Imaging Results on Medication Use and Adherence: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Cardiovascular imaging results offer valuable information that can guide health decisions, but their impact on medication use and adherence is unclear. This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to determine the downstream impact of cardiovascular imaging results on medication use and adherence.

Barriers and enablers to promoting grandchildren’s physical activity and reducing screen time: a qualitative study with Australian grandparents

With an increasing number of grandparents providing care to their grandchildren, calls have been made for these caregivers to be considered important stakeholders in encouraging children's engagement in health-promoting behaviors, such as physical activity.

Australian children's physical activity and screen time while in grandparental care

The objective of this study was to explore Australian children's engagement in physical activity and screen time while being cared for by their grandparents.

Parents on the Concept of Physical Literacy: What Do They Know, What Do They Do, and What Do They Want?

Physical literacy development in early childhood, viewed by many as the foundation for lifelong physical activity engagement, is significantly influenced by parents. Our aim was to explore parents' understanding of physical literacy and gain insight into their perspectives on physical literacy promotion.

Goal Motives, Mental Contrasting With Implementation Intentions, and the Self-Regulation of Saving Goals: A Longitudinal Investigation

We investigated howautonomous and controlled motives for saving money contribute longitudinally to selfregulatory coping, goal progress, and psychological need satisfaction/frustration. We also investigated whether mental contrasting with implementation intentions (MCII) facilitates saving through interactions with controlled goal motives.

Understanding and optimising gratitude interventions: the right methods for the right people at the right time

Gratitude has consistently been associated with various beneficial health-related outcomes, including subjective wellbeing, positive mental health, and positive physical health. In light of such effects, positive psychology researchers and practitioners have often implemented gratitude interventions in an attempt to build individuals' orientations toward appreciation and thankfulness. Recent meta-analyses and reviews have revealed, however, that these interventions often have mixed effects on gratitude or other health outcomes. 

A scoping review of trans and gender diverse children and adolescents’ experiences of physical activity, sport, and exercise participation

This study investigated the potential of using SARS-CoV-2 viral Increasing young people's physical activity, along with their motivation and confidence to be active, is widely advocated for supporting desirable health outcomes. Trans and gender diverse (henceforth; trans) young people experience significant physical activity-related barriers compared to cisgender (i.e., an individual for whom gender identity and sex presumed at birth are in alignment) peers.

Physical activity behaviors in trans and gender diverse adults: a scoping review

There is currently limited data regarding the physical activity behaviors of trans and gender diverse people (including binary and non-binary identities; henceforth trans). The aim of this review was to synthesize the existing literature in this area, with a focus on physical activity behaviors as they relate to health (e.g. health benefits, risks of adverse health outcomes). 

Thriving families: The feasibility and preliminary efficacy of a multi-component physical literacy program for children with neurodevelopmental, emotional, or behavioural problems

Children with neurodevelopmental, emotional, or behavioural challenges participate in lower levels of physical activity (PA) and subsequently have poorer physical and mental health outcomes. We sought to determine the feasibility and preliminary efficacy of a multi-component physical literacy program for children with neurodevelopmental, emotional, or behavioural challenges.

The Right Advice, from the Right Person, in the Right Way: Non-Engaged Consumer Families’ Preferences for Lifestyle Intervention Design Relating to Severe Obesity in Childhood

Family-based lifestyle interventions for children/adolescents with severe levels of obesity are numerous, but evidence indicates programs fail to elicit short- or longer-term weight loss outcomes. Families with lived experience can provide valuable insight as we strive to improve outcomes from programs. Our aim was to explore elements that families desired in a program designed to treat severe levels of obesity in young people.

Testing campaign slogans designed to motivate older people to be more physically active

Being physically active is critical for healthy ageing, yet many older people do not meet physical activity guidelines. The aim of this study was to test the relative effectiveness of five previously identified campaign slogans designed to encourage older people to be more physically active: 'Be active 30-60 minutes a day to stay fit and well'; 'Move more, live longer'; 'Stay fit to stay functional'; 'This is your time - enjoy being strong and active'; and 'Use it or lose it'.

Psychological Flow Scale (PFS): Development and Preliminary Validation of a New Flow Instrument that Measures the Core Experience of Flow to Reflect Recent Conceptual Advancements

In this study, we sought to develop—and provide preliminary validity evidence for scores derived from—a new Psychological Flow Scale (PFS). We propose a parsimonious model of three core dimensions of flow, reflecting the findings from a recent scoping review that synthesised flow research across scientific disciplines.

The Stride program: Feasibility and pre-to-post program change of an exercise service for university students experiencing mental distress

Rates of mental illness are disproportionately high for young adult and higher education (e.g., university student) populations. As such, universities and tertiary institutions often devote significant efforts to services and programs that support and treat mental illness and/or mental distress. However, within that portfolio of treatment approaches, structured exercise has been relatively underutilised and greater research attention is needed to develop this evidence base.

Psychological Flow Training: Feasibility and Preliminary Efficacy of an Educational Intervention on Flow

Despite there being an increasing number of applied flow studies across scientific disciplines, there exists no consistent or broadly applicable intervention to promote flow experiences. This study provides a detailed account of a new educational flow training program developed following recent advancements in the flow literature that have provided a more parsimonious understanding of flow experiences and antecedents.

‘It’s been a lifelong thing for me’: parents’ experiences of facilitating a healthy lifestyle for their children with severe obesity

For parents and guardians, assisting children/adolescents with severe obesity to lose weight is often a key objective but a complex and difficult challenge. Our aim in this study was to explore parents' (and guardians') perspectives on the challenges they have faced in assisting their children/adolescents with severe obesity to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Impact of vascular screening interventions on perceived threat, efficacy beliefs and behavioural intentions: a systematic narrative review

Health-related behaviours contribute to the global burden of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Cardiovascular imaging can be used to screen asymptomatic individuals for increased risk of CVD to enable earlier interventions to promote health-related behaviours to prevent or reduce CVD risk.

Early childhood educator outcomes from online professional development for physical literacy: A randomised controlled trial

Early childhood is recognised as a critical window of opportunity for physical literacy development, however early childhood educators typically lack the training required to effectively provide appropriate physical literacy opportunities for children.

Structured exercise programs for higher education students experiencing mental health challenges: background, significance, and implementation

The incidence of mental illness is greatest among young adults, and those enrolled in higher education may be particularly vulnerable compared to the general young adult population. Many higher education institutions employ student support staff tasked with implementing strategies to improve student wellbeing and mental illness.

Motives and Mental Contrasting With Implementation Intentions Predict Progress and Management of Goals in Parents

Parents must rapidly adapt goals from various aspects of their lives to accommodate the demands of the early stages of parenthood. According to the self-concordance model, having autonomous goal motives (based on enjoyment or personal goal value) should foster effective self-regulation (e.g., coping strategies), better goal management, and increase the likelihood of goal attainment, compared to controlled motives (goals driven by demands/pressures).

Loneliness Versus Distress: A Comparison of Emotion Regulation Profiles

Loneliness, a negative emotion stemming from the perception of unmet social needs, is a major public health concern. Current interventions often target social domains but produce small effects and are not as effective as established emotion regulation (ER)-based interventions for general psychological distress (i.e., depression/anxiety).

Support needs and experiences of young people living in families with mental illness

Children and adolescents living in families affected by mental illness are at elevated risk of developing mental health problems. A range of interventions have been designed to help these young people; however, the effectiveness of these programs is, in some cases, mixed. Our aim was to understand in detail the support needs and experiences of a group of Australian children and adolescents living in families with mental illness.

Psychological distress and quality of life in asymptomatic adults following provision of imaging results for prevention of cardiovascular disease events: a scoping review

Psychological distress and changes in health-related quality of life may occur after screening for disease. Reporting outcomes related to potential benefits and harms of screening is a key recommendation in the guidelines for reporting high-quality trials or interventions.

Goal motives and mental contrasting with implementation intentions facilitate strategic goal persistence and disengagement

In three experiments, we examine the role of motives underlying goal pursuit and the metacognitive strategy of mental contrasting with implementation intentions (MCII) to predict the strategic use of self-regulation responses (persistence, disengagement, and reengagement) when faced with attainable, unattainable, or multiple goals.

Provision of non-invasive coronary and carotid vascular imaging results on changes in diet and physical activity in asymptomatic adults: A scoping review

Although a healthy diet and physical activity have been shown to prevent or delay cardiovascular disease (CVD) hospitalizations and deaths, most adults do not meet current guidelines.

Strengthening Peer Mentoring Relationships for New Mothers: A Qualitative Analysis

The transition to motherhood can be challenging, especially for first-time mothers, and can accompany maternal distress. Social support—such as that offered by peers—can be important in assisting mothers to manage such distress.

MAN v FAT Soccer: Feasibility Study and Preliminary Efficacy of a Sport-Based Weight-Loss Intervention for Overweight and Obese Men in Australia

MAN v FAT Soccer is a sport-based weight-loss program for overweight and obese men that originated in the United Kingdom (i.e., as MAN v FAT Football) and appears to successfully engage men with weight loss.

Perceptions of a family-based lifestyle intervention for children with overweight and obesity: a qualitative study on sustainability, self-regulation, and program optimization

Family-based lifestyle interventions (FBLIs) are an important method for treating childhood weight problems. Despite being recognized as an effective intervention method, the optimal structure of these interventions for children’s overweight and obesity has yet to be determined.

Understanding parent perspectives on engagement with online youth-focused mental health programs

Online youth-focused health programs often include parent modules—that equip parents with skills to assist their child in improving their health—alongside youth-specific content. BRAVE Self-Help, an evidence-based program designed for children and teenagers with early signs of anxiety, is a popular Australian program that includes six parent modules.

Primary school teacher outcomes from online professional development for physical literacy: A randomised controlled trial

Primary (or elementary) school teachers are often relied upon to provide children with opportunities for physical literacy development; however, many of these teachers feel they lack the skills to effectively promote or ‘teach’ physical literacy.

Within- and between-person relationships between spontaneous self-affirmations, coping style, and wellbeing

Self-affirmations—responding to self-threatening information by reflecting on positive values or strengths—help to realign working self-concept and may support adaptive coping and wellbeing. Little research has been undertaken on spontaneous self-affirmations in response to everyday threats, and less has been undertaken on the relationships between spontaneous self-affirmations, coping, and wellbeing.

Attenuation of Post-Exercise Energy Intake Following 12 Weeks of Sprint Interval Training in Men and Women with Overweight

An acute bout of sprint interval training (SIT) performed with psychological need-support incorporating autonomy, competence, and relatedness has been shown to attenuate energy intake at the post-exercise meal, but the long-term effects are not known. The aim of this trial was to investigate the effects of 12 weeks of SIT combined with need-support on post-exercise food consumption.

Advancing our understanding of psychological flow: A scoping review of conceptualizations, measurements, and applications

Research on psychological flow is well established, although criticisms remain regarding conceptual and measurement issues associated with the construct. This scoping review maps flow-related research across scientific disciplines, examining the conceptualization, measurement instruments, and outcomes of flow between 2012 and 2019. Across 236 sources that met the review criteria, 108 different flow-related constructs were measured by 141 instruments, and 84 possible antecedents were identified.

Physical activity participation among children diagnosed with mental health disorders: A qualitative analysis of children’s and their guardian’s perspectives

Children with mental health disorders have lower physical activity levels compared to their peers; however, minimal research has been conducted to date to understand their unique experiences of physical activity. We sought to better understand these experiences, along with contributing factors, through interviews with children with mental health disorders and their parents/guardians.

Likeability and perceived effectiveness of messages designed to encourage physical activity participation among older adults

Older adults are significantly less likely than their younger counterparts to engage in physical activity. Comprehensive policies to support healthy ageing thus need to include components encouraging greater participation in physical activity in later life. This study tested potential messages for use in health communication campaigns aimed at increasing physical activity among older adults.

Communicating with older people about physical activity

Little is known about how to effectively encourage higher levels of activity among older people. This study tested the effectiveness of a public service advertisement designed according to recommendations for communicating with older audiences and featuring five types of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity: tennis, line dancing, cycling, swimming and jogging.

Effects of diurnal exercise timing on appetite, energy intake and body composition: A parallel randomized trial

To determine the effect of diurnal exercise timing on appetite, energy intake and body composition in individuals with overweight or obesity.