
The Early Start Screen Smart Program was developed with parents, for parents and professionals, and backed by research.
ENVISAGE – ENabling VISions And Growing ExpectationsENVISAGE is a validated evidence-based program of facilitated group workshops for parents and carers of young children, aged 0-8 years, with a newly identified disability or who have concerns regarding their child’s development.
Active Strides-CP: Randomised trial of Intensive Rehabilitation (combined Intensive gait and cycling training) for children with moderate to severe bilateral cerebral palsyActive Strides-CP is an RCT assessing a new treatment for children with moderate to severe CP, combining intensive gait and cycling training to simultaneously address motor and participation outcomes.
At The Kids Research Institute Australia, we are committed to operating legally and ethically, and will protect the rights and confidentiality of Whistleblowers in accordance with our Whistleblower Policy.

News & Events
Perth researchers test stress link to asthmaScientists at The Kids for Child Health Research have launched an innovative project to test the relationship between stress and asthma.
News & Events
Researchers tackle big issues in child developmentPerth's The Kids for Child Health Research has been awarded a major national grant to continue ground-breaking work on child health and development.
News & Events
International study looking at Kawasaki DiseasePerth researchers are leading an exciting new international study looking at genetic factors that may cause Kawasaki disease and the subsequent heart damage.
News & Events
Researchers find genetic clue to cancer relapseCancer researchers at The Kids for Child Health Research have developed a new test that can rapidly detect the loss of genes in cancer cells.
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