Subjective memory complaints predict baseline but not future cognitive function over three years: Results from the Western Australia Memory StudySubjective memory complaints individuals present distinctive features of memory complaints as compared to non-memory complainers
Pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV prevention during pregnancy and lactation: forget not the women and childrenThe framework for appropriately identifying and managing at-risk pregnant and lactating women requiring PrEP is poorly defined
The role of skin testing and extended antibiotic courses in assessment of children with penicillin allergy: An Australian experienceA direct oral provocation challenge with the culprit drug in Australian children can be safely performed, avoiding resource-intensive and painful skin testing
Cochrane corner: platinum-induced hearing loss after treatment for childhood cancerThis systematic review shows that children treated with platinum analogues are at risk of developing hearing loss
BUILDING A STRONGER TOMORROW: Connecting our communities through CultureBring together experts, leaders and members of the national and international Indigenous community to identify culturally appropriate approaches to suicide prevention
Machine learning vs addiction therapists: A pilot study predicting alcohol dependence treatment outcome from patient data in behavior therapy with adjunctive medicationThe majority of staff and machine learning models were not more accurate than suggested by chance
Early Life Ovalbumin Sensitization and Aerosol Challenge for the Induction of Allergic Airway Inflammation in a BALB/c Murine ModelThis protocol adapted an experimental animal model of disease for sensitization to ovalbumin during the immediate post-weaning period beginning at 21 days of age
Assessing body sensations in children: Intra-rater reliability of assessment and effects of ageSomatosensory capacity increased with age for typically developing children aged 6–15 years
Antibiotic Allergy Labels in Children Are Associated with Adverse Clinical OutcomesThis is the first study demonstrating the negative impact of antibiotic allergy labels on clinical outcomes in children
Developmental regulation of type 1 and type 3 interferon production and risk for infant infections and asthma developmentType 1 and 3 interferon response capacity appears strongly developmentally constrained at birth